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For Libya with Libya.. Palermo conference between commitment and implementation

For Libya with Libya.. Palermo conference between commitment and implementation

In a new campaign promoted by Italy, "For Libya with Libya" the gathering of political actors, it’s a campaign of some of the Libyans and not everyone.

Among the attendees were the President of the Presidential Council Fayez Al-Sarraj and the General of the Libyan Army and senior politicians from all over the world at the Palermo Conference in Sicily.

Palermo conference was very much criticized by some Libyan political figures, some of them did not participate in the conference, considering the Libya summit with Libya as marginal and somewhat unsuccessful.

The presence of the Libyan General Libyan Army in Palermo, backed by Egypt, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and France, is in place to meet with Ghassan Salameh and senior international officials to get Libya out of the crisis that the country has experienced for many years.

It seems that the Italian President of the Council Giuseppe Conte, went in the last days before the meeting for Libya to the Libyan city of Benghazi to persuade Hafter to attend the conference.

But during the night Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte met with General Hafer again and reminded him that "compromise is the art of leadership, compromises are reached with adversaries, not with friends," the Italian government president said quoted by African leader Nelson. Mandela.

The conference for Libya with Libya lasted two days, which helped to understand many things: for example if there were margins to reach some sort of agreement between the parties concerned, and if Italy was able to restore the role of European countries on the Libyan crisis, In recent months the protagonist increasingly.

Rome, backed by the United States and the United Kingdom over the Libyan file, is locked in a conflict with France to ensure the greatest hegemony over Libya.

The competition between Italy and France over Libya is another thing to be watched by many observers after the Palermo summit.

For this reason, Libya was the important country for Italy. Italy is the country that is pressing for it to play an essential and effective role in stabilizing the Mediterranean country of Africa.

Italy is of strategic importance to Libya, but in addition to the economic and security aspect, there are geopolitical elements that can not be separated from each other and linked to Italian politics and a more comprehensive view of the Italian presence in North Africa.

The organization of the Palermo summit for Libya with Libya, not about the former Italian colony, and anything else, seems to be the way to emphasize Italy's strategic importance to Libya, the Libyan state in the Maghreb.

It is not by chance that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is working hard for the success of the current Conference in any way he sees fit for Italy.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte visited Tunisia and Algeria before the summit in the light of the mobilization of support and the success of the conference.

These are steps to strengthen the ties between Rome and North Africa from the political and economic aspects that Rome aspires.

On the other hand, it is enough to look at the economic relations existing between Italy and the other side of the Mediterranean to understand how to Italy plays the role of being very important in the economy and money at the disposal of the Mediterranean countries to become Italy's first partner.

Egypt is one of the countries that have restored relations with Italy where Eni operates and it is the largest deposits in the Mediterranean region.

Italy is working to play the leading role in Libyan subjugation and political stability, so the summit in Palermo was a means to strengthen Italy's role in North Africa.

It is clear that Italy is strengthening its relations with Libya not only in political and economic terms, but also in terms of unregulated migration from Africa to Europe via Libya, and through other countries in North Africa, including Tunisia, to be able to rely on Africa to cope with migration from Africa to Italy and then to the rest of Europe.

It was necessary for Italy to pay big role, and from that direction Is to create a unique and recognized military force, which would be taken the power and money away from the militias for the Libyan reality, and in all cases not to organize the human trafficking in Libya.

Unregulated migration takes on the most important elements that impose on Italy to play a key role in Libya and Italy's case of Libya cannot cause the flow of migrants from Libya across the African coasts to destabilize Italy economically.

After the failure of many previous conferences on Libya and the Libyan issue to a dead end, the road remained open to Italy efforts by Italian Prime Minister Conte to try to give a distinct view of keeping Libya politically stable.

There is no doubt that the historical relations imposed by Rome maintain the Libyan state's guardianship to establish stability in the Maghreb region, especially on the African continent, as a regional geographical factor linking it with Italy.

It is clear to all the countries of the world, especially the United States of America in the desire of a Libyan state to be a force capable of controlling the three Libyan territories and the imposition of military and security force in all aspect of life.

The real actor to bring Libya out of all the commitments and tribulations is not Italy alone, but the participation of all the presidential parties involved in this dispute on the internal political scene, which have great steps after the meeting of Palermo in a comprehensive constitutional national unity.

Italy avoids the losses of the arm wrestling launched by France, and towards the direction of Italy towards agreement between them in the interest of common interest.

It is really behind the haste imposed by Italy to assemble the largest forces at the summit Palermo, Libya needs the techniques and companies of Italy in accordance with agreements with Italian companies in the previous years.

The agreements between Libya and Italy are expected to be an important opportunity to sign an new important work contracts, including the construction of new ports, airports, and highways for many Italian companies and the large coastal road linking Tripoli to the Libyan capital, to the Libya's second largest city, Benghazi.

The projects have fallen on paper and today it is time to implement these projects in amounts of up to 200 million euro’s in the total loans demanded by Italian companies against the Libyan government.

Stability of Tripoli does not only mean giving these Italian partners the possibility of refunds, but also the ability to open many projects In millions of other Italian institutions and individuals.

Italy, with its Libya conference with Libya in Palermo, has historical ties between Rome and Tripoli, and Italy's hasty pursuit of common interests, in the presence of Eni in Libya for many years, years before the Libyan revolution with many Italian factories.

Many believe that Italy is a colonial state and that its role today in the political arena is a colonial role, especially after the events of the seventeenth of the glorious February revolution that ended the Libyan Jamahiriya system.

It is with a great Possibility of restoring Italy's security and stability in Libya and protecting its unity and protecting its territorial borders and restoring its regional and international role.

The holding of the referendum on the Libyan Constitution is working to ensure the success of the presidential and parliamentary elections, far from striking each other against the wall, and enabling the Libyan political agreement signed on Thursday, 17 December 2015 in Skhirat, the suburbs of the Moroccan city of Rabat.

An agreement that binds all the political parties that are fighting against the United Nations to resolve the crisis in Libya, which was crowned by the Kingdom of Morocco under the patronage of King Mohammed VI and the Moroccan government in hosting the signing ceremony of the Libyan political agreement.

Libya has a long history of struggle, and from the struggle of Libya, the political conflict that exists today between the political factions in conflict with power and money, which have no legal legitimacy based on the process of opening up to all the political parties in Libya.

Changes in the map of the Libyan political scene The Palermo Conference will take a different character between the parties to the conflict on the National Authority, where the stability of Libya is with the stability of parties and factions and political organizations towards political, social and military changes in Libya.

However, the storm of conflicts did not materialize economically in Libya, the shores of the Mediterranean are betting on the mutual need that Italy needs for the stability of the Libyan state and its economic prosperity.

Libya's oil and gas needs Italy in exchange for the technology of the advanced economy. For decades, Libya has needed distinctive ways for energy-efficient Italian companies, even after the current chaos in Libya's post-revolution transition.

The United Nations is able to put Libya on a roadmap and build a democratic state, and it is prepared on the success of Libyan human rights, the rule of law and the right to remove Libya from all the sanctions imposed on it by Security Council resolutions.

That is why another international conference on Libya, for Libya with Libya in Palermo, Italy, was attended by the main parties to the conflict in a serious attempt to embark on a political process that is supposed to lead Libya out of the whirlpool which is the result of conflicts and differences of views among them all.

The country is suffering from political divisions and conflicts over the Libyan constitutional authority, which it must create an enabling environment that will help the government consolidate its sovereign institutions and shoulder its responsibilities towards the Libyan people immersed in crises and daily suffering in Libya.

By Professor Ramzi Halim Mavrakis

Businessman - Libyan political and economic writer and analyst

Resident in the United States of America

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